The Community Killer

Do you ever think back to a specific time in your life and think, ‘Good lord, I was an idiot’? If you answered no…yes you do. I’ve been thinking recently about a time a couple years ago when I was, in fact, a huge idiot. It was my junior year of college, and I managed to almost singlehandedly turn a …

Loving Through Anger

I am not perfect–far from it, in fact. And although this is one of the most common-sense statements to make, it has been one of the most difficult things about myself to accept. I woke up angry today. No particular reason. The day outside is beautiful–a crisp, bright autumn day, the perfect day in my favorite season. And yet I …

On Living With Flies

Somehow–probably from continuously opening and closing doors due to making what seems to be an endless stream of t-shirts, or from some seemingly universal belief that being inside is better than being outside, or simply because there was light inside and not much outside–our apartment became home to several flies. It began slowly, with just one, buzzing about innocuously and …

Re-Learning Faith (Not a How-To)

I’ve recently returned to Christianity–a turn in my life I think would surprise many of my friends, considering my extremely liberal and humanist adolescence and early adulthood. In many ways, I still believe and hold to many of the truths I discovered over the years of my spiritual questioning and exploration, and calling myself a Christian still feels a bit foreign …

The Exquisite Alarm of Letting Go

There is a moment, I think, in every big decision when a person becomes suddenly, inexplicably, uncomfortably self-aware in the decision-making process. It’s a moment at which it seems a mirror had been held up to you and you can see what you look like for the first time — and there is a startling lack of recognition. “Is this …