Kaitlyn’s Journal #6

Note from Kaitlyn: I ask that readers be lenient with this entry. It is not my intention to further divide, inflame, or isolate. My own bewilderment at the political turn of events in the US colors this journal, but ultimately what I want to highlight is the simplicity and necessity of love–that we as humans bear the heavy weights of our …

Kaitlyn’s Journal #5

Asisiriwa Day 28 5 December 2015 I am becoming acquainted with the movements of insects; the delicate struggle of the spider in its web, the erratic fluttering of moths, the probing curiosity of cockroaches, the scuttling timidity of huntsman spiders on the ceilings and walls, the imperious buzzing of flies. The insects here have become the neighbors and tyrants of …

Kaitlyn’s Journal #4

Asisiriwa Day 13 20 November 2015 I live most in the morning, when the air still moves coolly down through the mountain roads, slowing even the taxi drivers into reason. Unfrenzied and bright, these mornings are different from the November mornings of home, which I am thankful for when going outside to bathe in the still-cool mid morning. As the …

Kaitlyn’s Journal #3

Asisiriwa Day 7 14 November 2015 I am ravenous, devouring books like a person who has been starved, walking barefoot through a desert, delirious from thirst and hunger, not realizing they are deprived. I have not realized how I’ve been deprived until I began reading again, and now I am ravenous. I will read all the books we brought with …

Kaitlyn’s Journal #2

Asisiriwa Day 5 11 November 2015 I think when you live near animals, you begin to think more of death. Life seems a little less precious to you, and you start to realize, the way you started to as a child, that death is always forgotten and always just a moment away. Animals don’t think of death, which may be …

Kaitlyn’s Journal #1

Intro: When we were getting ready to head to Ghana, I had every intention of posting updates on our life in the village of Asisiriwa. I wanted our followers and supporters to get a little taste of what it was like for us to live and work in this new culture. Of course, writing about such a thing does not …

One Year

Don’t you find it’s easy to get caught up in the routines of life and somehow forget the passing of time, especially when you’re busy doing something you’ve never done before? You become so focused on the task (or tasks) at hand that days, weeks, months pass, and eventually you look up from that grindstone and realize that, somehow, somewhere …

Tell A Story

I want you to tell me a story. One of the things I believe wholeheartedly, and one of the core tenets of our mission, is that storytelling brings people together, and helps people get to know not only one another, but also themselves. The act of telling stories is itself, fundamentally, an act of communion–of coming together and sharing pieces …

Things The Center Taught Me (Part 1)

I feel like I’ve been operating on pure hope lately, propelling our fundraising efforts along by sheer force of will. To be perfectly honest, I’m exhausted. I wish I could say that I’m weary because of all the difference I’m making and all the good work I’m doing, and I know that’s what I should be saying…but I’m not. In …