
Tell A Story

Untold International

Untold International

I want you to tell me a story.

One of the things I believe wholeheartedly, and one of the core tenets of our mission, is that storytelling brings people together, and helps people get to know not only one another, but also themselves. The act of telling stories is itself, fundamentally, an act of communion–of coming together and sharing pieces of oneself with another, or with many others. Storytelling functions not only as a means of lulling children to sleep, or serving as moral markers on their developmental journey, but also as a form of healing, as a form of historical record, as a form of reminding each other that we are not alone in our complexity and flaws, but that we are, and always have been, part of a larger narrative, one in which we are all the main character, while at the same time none of us are.

For me, storytelling is one of the most compelling forms of empathy. The act of sharing the narratives of our own lives and the lives of others (both real and fictional) encourages us to think of our peers and children and elders as full and dynamic characters with dreams and desires and pain–and this teaches us to view others as we view ourselves, with understanding, with compassion, and with humanity.

The beautiful thing is that storytelling encourages itself. When one storyteller finishes her story, another begins to fill the silence. It’s a dance of ideas and fantasy and analysis that is one of the most brilliant ways I can think of for people to interact together.

I want to share my story with people, and I want to hear their stories. I want to hear your stories. So I am challenging you, whoever you are reading this, and wherever you may be in the world and in life, to share your story. It doesn’t have to be with me (although I welcome all stories), but share a story with someone. Be honest. Even if the story itself is about a fictional person in a fictional world, be honest with that character and build it. Tell their story. And in telling their story, you tell your own.

The world is full of voices that, for whatever reason, have remained silent even in the face of their powerful, complex, huge stories. I hope you’ll join me in breaking this silence.

Tell a story. Encourage others to tell more. Listen. Be honest. Be bold. Be imaginative. Fill up the world with words.

Want to tell me your story? Send it to [email protected] or comment below.


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